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military supplier中文是什么意思

用"military supplier"造句"military supplier"怎么读"military supplier" in a sentence


  • 军火商


  • We are its exclusive military supplier .
  • Although rfid has a long history of applications , the recent driving forces behind rfid are military suppliers , retail suppliers and supply chain securities
  • Although rfid has a long history of applications , the recent driving forces behind rfid are military suppliers , retail suppliers and supply chain securities . indeed , rfid has attracted much attention , especially after wal - mart announced that by january 2005 , its top 100 suppliers would have to embed an rfid tag on all pallets travelling to its distribution centres and stores
    虽然射频识别的应用有很长的历史,但近年来,推动射频识别发展的动力则是来自军事供应商、零售商和供应链保安。实际上,射频识别已深受关注,尤其是当wal - mart宣布其一百家主要供应商必须在二五年一月或之前,将所有运往其销售中心和商店的货盘贴上射频识别标签。
用"military supplier"造句  
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